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SEED 2023 message

SEED (Students Equipped to be Excited Disciples)

During SEED week our students enjoy a chapel each day with a special speaker for the week who shares messages based on our school theme for the year. Each morning is filled with Bible study and praise and worship with our family groups. It is a great time to bond together as a school as we dive deeper into HIS Word! Enjoy some pictures of past SEED Weeks.

2023-2024.  We had two sets of SEED days this year!  Fall and Winter! See God Move!

SEED Days: October 12 and 13. Students Equipped to be Excited Disciples. Thursday’s SEED chapel was an object lesson from Kyle Mullin about clean water and then how our lives need to be cleaned by God’s forgiveness. We were also able to worship together led by some of our moms: Jenna Louis, Lauren Sherman, and Megan Gardenour. It is great to praise our God, learn from his word, and see God move during our worship time together.

Then at Friday’s SEED chapel Caleb and Kindra Stanton told us about how God moved in their lives to bring them to Fremont and use their talents for God’s glory here. They also lead us in worship together. We are hearing how things don’t always go according to our plans, but God’s plans are good, and he can work out good things in our lives when we follow him.

Winter SEED Day 1: We welcomed Chris Bradshaw from Harvest Fremont to give us a message of the GREAT news of the gospel. We were urged to know the story of what God has done for us through Jesus, and how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. We need to repent and believe to follow Jesus! We were also able to worship with Caleb Stanton from Harvest and give praise to God. What a joy to hear the students sing “There's joy in the house of the Lord today, and we won't be quiet. We shout out Your praise!” and hear the students shout in song!

Winter SEED Day 2:  Some of our Resonate Church moms led us in singing today.  Then Chris talked about when we have a personal relationship with God, we need to be connected to Him, and bear fruit. He talked about what a personal relationship with God looks like. We strive to abide in Christ and stay close in the Word and in prayer. We were also able to worship with some of our moms this morning. We sang about the goodness of God. What a great morning spending time with God!

October 10-14, 2022 was SEED Week at FCS.  

That means we take some extra time to learn about who God is and how we can be Students Equipped to be Excited Disciples.  With our theme “Evidence of the Spirit” we invited different staff members to come in and share their stories of God in their lives.  We heard about tough times, where staff members turned to God for help and salvation in their lives.  We heard how important it is to have a real relationship with God, not just a religion or head knowledge.  We’ve had great times of worshiping together and times of reminders to have God’s Word in our lives.  It’s been great to have our kids involved in raising their hands in worship and sharing answers and stories during circle time.

We are thankful for Zach Van Wyk, Profe Carolina, Dena DeKryger-Mathew, Nick Donkersloot, Rachael Bridges, Amber Bull, and Joel DeHaan who shared with us.  We were led in worship by some ladies from Resonate Church (including some ladies who are moms of our kids – Jenna, Lauren, Jazzlyn, and Megan -), Pastor Aaron and Kristie from Harvest Church, and No Grave Revival members, Jean, Rick, and Michael.  We sang our theme songs of “Evidence.”  We had different grades of students come up front and lead us in motions, and different students read verses for us in English and Spanish.  What a blessing to hear about God, about his Word, about his plan of salvation, and how that can affect our lives.  May we continue to live the Evidence of the Spirit as Students Equipped to be Excited Disciples!

SEED Message



SEED Message

MS praise

MS Dancers

Profe Carolina

Donkersloot talk

Resonate ladies

Bull talk

Pastor Aaron and Kristie worship

Bridges talk