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Year Theme

Fremont Christian has a faith-based theme each year.  We change these every year, and use this theme as part of our class activities, prayer times, chapels, family groups, buddy activities, and more.

This year our theme is See God Move/Ve a Dios Moverse.

Our theme verse is Psalm 46:10a “Be still, and know that I am God.”   “God is on the move today. God is on the move in many mighty ways. Anytime in weakness someone falls upon their knees, Or dares to speak the truth that sets men free,  Anytime the choice is made to stand upon the Word, we know God is on the move!  Hallelujah!  God is on the move in many mighty ways.”

God is moving and working at Fremont Christian!  Just in case a tune started playing in your head as you read the words above, these are some of the lyrics from “God Is On the Move” from 7eventh Time Down - which is one of our theme songs this year.  We will spend time during our first theme months this year to know God better.  We will take time to “Be still, and know that I am God,”  Psalm 46:10a (our theme verse).  As we focus on some of the attributes of God, we can learn that God is love (heart), God is Grace (cross), God is Provider (lion), and God is Shepherd (lamb).  


4 boys


SEED chapel

chapel kids

SEED chapel