Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers Day 6: The 6th grader were writing acrostics of God's creation. SPRING: Sunshine, Planting flower, Rivers and mountains, Interesting animals, Great places to see!
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers Day 5: The 1st grade SI made their own paper. They reused old magazines to make their own paper. They also wrote encouraging Bible verses in them to give away to people in the community.
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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Reminder: Coin Wars start tomorrow FCS!!!
almost 4 years ago, Heidie Snyder
Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers Day 4: Kindergarten students picking up trash in the tree line, while the 7th graders have planted and are caring for flower seeds that will eventually be transplanted into our outdoor learning area. They have also planted and are caring for bean seeds.
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers Day 3: The 7th grade boys, with help from Mr. Bridges, built a bench for our outdoor learning area, where they will observe and enjoy much of God's creation!
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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Beauty Creator/Creation Enjoyers Day 2: 2nd grade and 7th grade buddies made spring chalk art, piggy-backing off from both classes learning the parable of scattering of the seed from Mark.
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers Day 1. The 7th and 8th graders were learning about Parables as they made real-life creative models of the parable of scattering of the seed from Mark.
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers Theme. Our Spiritual theme the last few weeks has been Beauty Creators/Creation Enjoyers. We are celebrating God’s beautiful handiwork and giving testimony to the presence of God in creation, as well as creating beauty that praises God and enriches our world. We have been sharing some of our beauty and creation on a digital share wall. Over the next few days we will share some of the beauty and creation pictures with you! Feel free to take some pictures of beauty and creation in your sphere of influence and share them in the comments below!
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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During the second quarter FALCON exploratory class each of the middle school students had the challenge of creating a piece of art in three class periods with the base size of a postcard. They could access all the junk (treasures) in the art room like beads, wood, discs, game pieces, cardboard, stained glass scraps, tubes and much more to make their distinct pieces. After the pieces were completed the Kindergarten through Fifth Grade students had the opportunity to vote for their favorite. The Official Winner of the Postcard Challenge is eighth grader Ryan Dunning who used stained class to make a mini American flag. Well done middle school students. Your creativity is amazing.
almost 4 years ago, Heidie Snyder
If you’ve ever walked into our office or called the school, you’ve most likely been greeted by this amazing woman! Today is Administrative Assistant Day and we at FCS want to let Nancy know how much we love and appreciate her. She is the go to person for staff, students and families! I quite frequently find myself saying “let me check with Nancy”. Nancy, thank you for all you do for Fremont Christian. You shine God’s light to everyone around you! So if you see or talk to Nancy today, please let her know how much she is loved!
almost 4 years ago, Nick Donkersloot
We welcomed Bethani King, aunt of Mossen and Cheyenne, at chapel this morning, to share with us about her non-profit organization “On the Ground International.” She told us how her organization and volunteers help refugees heading from Venezuela to Columbia in South America. They are the hands and feet of Christ by providing food and nightly shelter for the walking refugees, helping with medical clinics, evening children programs, a medical aid tent, and mobile food delivery for the refugees. How exciting to hear of an organization that was formed in response to a need to share relief, hope, and love. To learn more of this relief organization, go to on YouTube, and their website at
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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You are invited to our Spring Carnival Fundraising Event, May 7th! See below for the event activities! Message us with any questions you may have. We are so excited to celebrate with you!
almost 4 years ago, Heidie Snyder
Join the Cornhole Tournament fun at our Spring Carnival the evening of May 7th. Gather your team of two and Register by May 5th to join!
almost 4 years ago, Heidie Snyder
LOOKING FOR A JOB?! FCS is currently in need of a groundskeeper. Responsibilities include mowing lawns, leaf clean up, laying mulch snow removal from sidewalks and steps before school starts, and general maintenance. Hours depend on the season but vary from 5-15 hours per week. Those interested please contact Nick Donkersloot at or 231-924-2740.
almost 4 years ago, Heidie Snyder
Do you find that as your kids get older it seems to be harder and harder to get information out of them? As parents we are lucky to get one word answers from a middle school student on how their day was. How often do you hear the words "fine" "I don't know" and "nothing"? We want our families to be able to get a glimpse into all of the amazing things that are happening at Fremont Christian Middle School. Traditionally we have an open house where you are all invited to come in and see some of what's going on. This year is a little different, so we've had to think outside the box. Our MS staff did a wonderful job at putting together a virtual open house. So please follow the link below to our website and enjoy diving into how our students are being Transformed this year! Parents of Middle School students, feel free to have your child be your tour guide! Families of younger students, you are also invited to check it out and see what is in store for your kids in the years to come!
almost 4 years ago, Nick Donkersloot
What's been happening at FCS Middle School? Great question - and we will be sharing next week in our FCS Middle School Virtual Open House. You'll be able to click our Middle School link, and find out what's happening in core classes, specials classes, exploratories, sports, chapels, family groups, and more! Check back on March 30 or 31 to look for our link launch!
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
Middle School Falcon Fun day! The 6th graders chose the activity, and they challenged the teachers to basketball! 8 on 5. But the teachers had the height, and even though it was tied the first half of the game, the teachers pulled out the victory. Not sure they could do that again in a few years from now!
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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3rd and 4th Grade OE students practiced being Earth Keepers by cleaning up trash around the school yard!
almost 4 years ago, Amber Bull
March is Earth keeper month at FCS! We are discovering and responding to God’s call to be stewards of creation. Our family groups met together a few weeks ago to talk about this and share ideas. We made posters of our thoughts and ideas, and remembered verses like Gen.1:31 “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good,” and Psalm 8:9 “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” We want to keep our earth beautiful and enjoy it with respect.
almost 4 years ago, Vonnie Folkema
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This is a perfect story of creating unity - a 6th grade English strand student teaming up with a 6th grade Spanish immersion student to read a story to the 1st grade Spanish immersion class. Hudson and Breckin, you blessed many by this act of kindness!
almost 4 years ago, Julie Karnemaat