Are you or someone you know interested in the following programs at Fremont Christian School? Daycare **NEW this fall Preschool (Full Days) Young 5s Kindergarten - Outdoor Education                             Spanish Immersion Come to find out more at our Early Childhood Night. this Tuesday, April 23rd 5:30pm Decker Building - 110 N. Decker, Fremont, MI 49412 Meet the Teachers Classroom Tours Register if ready
8 months ago, Samantha Greer
FCS Early Childhood Night Tuesday, Apr. 23rd @ 5:30p  110 N. Decker Ave., Fremont
Daycare*(New,) Preschool, Young 5s & Kindergarten. Meet the Teachers, Classroom Tours, Register if ready
April All-School Chapel on Prayer: This month we will be focusing on talking to God – Prayer! Adam Forbes from Harvest Fremont came today to talk to us about prayer, and how we can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about everything! He talked about how prayer can be like a path – it is well traveled or grown over? He explained about how Jesus modeled prayer for us in the Lord’s Prayer, and had students pray today also. How great to know that God loves us and we can talk to God about everything!
8 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
sing at chapel
prayer chapel
prayer chapel
prayer chapel
prayer chapel
Our readers moved outside today for some reading in the sunshine during library time!
9 months ago, Amber Bull
On Tuesday, April 23rd we will be hosting our Early Childhood Night. Please come on out and meet our early childhood teachers and learn about our different program offerings. From infant to Kindergarten and everything in between. Discover what FCS has to offer for your family.
9 months ago, Samantha Greer
Early Childhood Night informatoin
FCS will be close today due to weather conditions.
9 months ago, FCS Updates
The Middle School Adventure Club headed to the Lakeshore Sports Centre in Muskegon to go ice skating for our March adventure!
9 months ago, Amber Bull
Elementary Chapel Friday: Our second graders hosted our chapel today about pondering the Bible. We learned about the word “ponder” or to Biblically meditate – to be filled with God’s Word. We sang of how the Bible is the voice of truth and how we need to read God’s Word every day! The 2nd graders had a video where they acted out how hard it can be to remember to read the Bible when others want you to come do other things. We grow to know God better when we take time to read in God’s Word and pray!
9 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
New benches arrived at both of our Earth Keeper Outdoor classrooms this week! We want to thank Stan and Lisa Deur for building and providing these beautiful, sturdy benches for outdoor learning. The benches have already been in use for read-alouds during March Reading Month and enjoyed daily on the playground. Thanks, Stan and Lisa, for your contribution to the FCS outdoor spaces!
10 months ago, Amber Bull
Ponder – to reflect deeply. This month we want to focus on the Word of God and how we must reflect upon and follow the Bible. The Bible is not only a guide for our life, but II Tim 3:16 tells us that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” It is THE Truth and we must follow it! In this morning’s chapel, Pastor Adam spoke of two ways that people might choose to follow: the world’s way or God’s way. We can’t be split between the two – we must follow the truth and stand firm in God and his Word. We sang our theme song “God is on the Move” and enjoyed some Bible songs and a song about “One way! Jesus!” We praise God that we can stand on his paths of righteousness, his promises, and his story to salvation and life!
10 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
chapel kids
chapel kids
Praise and Worship Friday! Western MI Christian Students came to lead us in chapel today. We were able to sing songs together, and Mr. Ben Lewis gave us a message from Psalm 23 about following our Good Shepherd, Jesus, and trusting in Him. It was fun to have former FCS student Alex on the praise team also! How great when Christians from different places can praise God together!
10 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
Congratulations to our first 2 students, Liam and Addi, who completed the FCS 100 Hours Outside challenge! Way to go! Each student received a certificate, a sticker badge, and an entry into a grand prize drawing at the end of the school year. FCS students, keep logging your hours outside! The challenge lasts through the end of the school year!
10 months ago, Amber Bull
Elementary Chapel: today our 5th graders led the elementary students in a chapel about Worship. They planned some songs in English and Spanish, and led us in some motions. They read Psalm 150 to us and had pictures to go along with a song about worship. We saw a video about people who worshipped in different ways in the Bible, and then we were encouraged to worship in different ways throughout our life. The 5th graders did a wonderful job in being Christian worship leaders!
11 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
Worship Chapel
This month’s Family Group Friday gave us a chance to share about friendship ideas with Jesus. We had filled in a booklet page about a personal relationship with Jesus in our classes, and then we shared these with our family groups. We talked in our group circles about the distractions to keep us from a friendship with Jesus, and went over our theme verse. We are challenging each other to learn 5 theme verses this last half of our school year. For February, we are learning all of Psalm 46:10 ““Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” That extended verse launches our February theme of Praise and worship.
11 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
Winter SEED Day 2 (Students Equipped to be Excited Disciples): When we have a personal relationship with God, we need to be connected to Him, and bear fruit. We welcomed Chris again in our message today about what a personal relationship with God looks like. We strive to abide in Christ and stay close in the Word and in prayer. We were also able to worship with some of our moms this morning. We sang about the goodness of God. What a great morning spending time with God!
11 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
SEED Day 2
SEED Day 2
SEED Day 2
SEED Day 2
SEED Day 2
SEED Day 2
Winter SEED Day 1 (Students Equipped to be Excited Disciples): We welcomed Chris Bradshaw from Harvest Fremont to give us a message of the GREAT news of the gospel. We were urged to know the story of what God has done for us through Jesus, and how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. We need to repent and believe to follow Jesus! We were also able to worship with Caleb Stanton from Harvest and give praise to God. What a joy to hear the students sing “There's joy in the house of the Lord today, and we won't be quiet. We shout out Your praise!” and hear the students shout in song! We have one more special SEED chapel on Friday morning, Jan. 26 at 8:15 in our gym. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us! And the students are encouraged to wear their theme shirts!
11 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
Elementary Chapel Friday: Jesus is our Friend! The third grade hosted our chapel today, and talked about our personal relationship with Jesus – when we believe in him, he is there to be our friend! They gave a skit about Mary and Martha, and also talked about things that distract us from our friendship with Jesus. They had a video about how we can draw closer to Jesus, and taught us a new song about “I am a friend of God.”
11 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
chapel 1
chapel 2
chapel 3
chapel 4
chapel 5
Due to the weather, Fremont Christian will be closed Wednesday January 10.
12 months ago, FCS Updates
All-School Chapel Friday: Happy New Year! This week we launched the second half of our “See God Move” theme. When we “Be still, and know that He is God,” that should stir a thankful reaction in us – a transformed life in God’s saving power. We need to have a personal friendship with God and spend time with Him – to grow in Him and see how He is working. So this month we will talk about what it means to have a friendship with God, invite students into that friendship, and have a learning goal - that I can recognize distractions in my life and choose to focus on the truth of God. Our theme verse this month is from Jeremiah 29:13: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" / Jeremías 29:13 “Me buscarán y me encontrarán cuando me busquen de todo corazón.” We also welcomed Pastor Taylor who shared about staying focused on God and to see God will ALL your heart. We awarded many of our students verse certificates for learning the theme verses for the first half of the year. See God Move!
12 months ago, Vonnie Folkema
7th singers
Chapel 1
chapel 2
verse awards
The 2023 Christmas Event: Our Christmas chapel was presented by us! The classroom teachers made videos that had students doing different portions of the Christmas story, favorite things about Christmas, and the true meaning of Christmas. Today we celebrated Jesus’ birth and watched the videos all put together. You’ll have to ask our students about reported sightings of shepherds that looked vaguely like some of our teachers! You will see some of the videos over the next few days on our facebook page. Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Jesus is the reason for the season!
about 1 year ago, Vonnie Folkema
Middle School Christmas Chapel: Our Middle School had chapel together and sang some Christmas songs, and then formed together mixed aged circles. In their groups they talked about the perspectives from some of the other people of the Christmas story: the innkeeper, the shepherds, and the wisemen. What’s our perspective of the Christmas story?
about 1 year ago, Vonnie Folkema
Christmas chapel
Christmas chapel
Christmas chapel
Christmas chapel
Christmas chapel